Are dogs capable of change if they have behavior problems?

Yes, dogs are 100% capable of change if they have behavior problems. A combination of behavioral modification and sometimes medications can be used to help improve your dog's behavior.

Dr. Adele Hilliard
Haywood Road Animal Hospital

When should you start obedience training with your dog?

Obedience training should be started as early as possible. For puppies that are not fully vaccinated, individual sessions can begin around 12 weeks of age. Once they are fully vaccinated, group sessions can be very helpful.

What are the most common behavior problems in dogs and how can they be addressed?

Common behavior problems in dogs include fear, aggression, not walking well on a leash, excessive barking, excessive jumping, submissive urination, possessive tendencies, and noise phobias. To address these issues, it is highly recommended that you contact your veterinarian, who can help determine the cause and develop a plan to help your pet.

Can behavior issues in my dog ever indicate that they are sick?

Absolutely. When addressing behavior issues, it is important for a veterinarian to perform a full physical exam and ideally run some blood work. Behavior issues may be caused by pain or discomfort, so it is crucial to eliminate any medical issues first.

What are some behavior problems that may be associated with a medical condition?

Common behavior problems that may be associated with a medical condition include growling or biting when touched, which could be due to arthritis pain or another type of pain from an injury. Issues with eating might be related to pain in the mouth, causing the dog to become aggressive. If you notice any unusual behavior in your dog, it is important to let your veterinarian know.

How can a veterinarian help address my dog's behavior problems?

Veterinarians take dog behavior very seriously. They will perform a thorough examination and conduct a full behavioral consultation, which usually takes around an hour. After identifying the cause of the behavior issues, the veterinarian will develop a modification plan for behavior and discuss potential medication options if necessary.

What other dog behavior management options are available?

In addition to medical intervention and medications, behavior modification and training can also be utilized to manage your dog's behavior. If you prefer not to use medications initially, your veterinarian can recommend trainers in your area who can help you work one-on-one with your dog at home.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (864) 288-7472, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Dog Behavior - FAQs

Dr. Adele Hilliard
Haywood Road Animal Hospital

When should I seek professional help for a dog's behavior problem?

Reach out to a veterinarian for any concern you have, regardless of whether you think it's small or not. However, specific instances when you should seek help include if your dog exhibits aggressive tendencies, becomes very fearful, pants or paces excessively, is scared of thunderstorms, or gets overexcited or agitated when people enter your home.

How can I tell the difference between a behavior problem and a mental problem?

Consulting with a veterinarian is the best way to determine the difference between a behavior problem and a mental problem. The vet will conduct a full physical examination to ensure there are no issues with pain or underlying organ issues that could be causing the behavioral problems. Blood work may also be necessary. Once these factors are eliminated and a full history is taken, it will be easier to determine if the issue is behavioral or medical.

What information will my veterinarian need to know about my dog?

For a behavioral consultation, the veterinarian will need a full history of your dog from the moment you got them to the present day. Questions may include how your dog reacts to certain noises, how they behave when people enter your home, how they act at the vet and in public, and what signs they exhibit when showing fear or aggression. The more detailed the history, the better the vet can determine the cause of the problem.

What questions should I ask my veterinarian about my dog?

Ask your veterinarian about the possible solutions and interventions for your dog's behavior. Be sure to inform them about any seemingly small issues, as these could be indicators of a larger problem. The more information you provide, the better your veterinarian can help you and your dog.

My dog has been diagnosed with a behavior problem. What are the next steps?

Once your dog has been diagnosed with a behavior problem, your veterinarian will likely recommend a behavioral modification plan. This plan will involve training and techniques to help your dog feel more comfortable and less stressed. Additionally, medication may be discussed as a supplementary treatment. It is important to understand that the goal of these medications is not sedation, but rather to help your dog feel less anxious.

What is behavioral modification?

Behavioral modification is a broad category that encompasses various techniques to establish a safe environment for your pet, help them walk on a leash, and learn to disassociate fear from certain noises. Essentially, it includes any non-medical intervention that can help alleviate your dog's behavior problems.

Is medication a short or long-term solution for my dog's behavior problem?

The duration of medication use for a dog's behavior problem depends on the individual dog. In most cases, medication is used for a minimum of one to two years. However, some dogs may require medication for many years. It's important to remember that these medications are safe, and their goal is not to sedate or change your dog's personality, but to help them feel happier and less anxious.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (864) 288-7472, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram